My first seven months of Peace Corps service were marked by constant illness. But since June, I had not had any medical problems, a fact I would reflect on with relief. Other volunteers were getting sick and I would continue living the healthy life. "I haven't been sick since
June," I would tell people, smiling in disbelief and knocking on wood.
So I got back from the English teacher training we had at Lago Coatepeque, a beautiful lake in the crater of a volcano, ready to spend a full nine days in a row in my site (which I had definitely not been able to do since the beginning of November) and what happens? I wake up Saturday morning with a headache, diziness, nasal congestion and a fever of 100.5, a fever that continued unabated until yesterday.
Needless to say, Peace Corps had me come into the capital yesterday to get poked and prodded in a lab so they could figure out what was up. "We don't know what it is, but something's wrong," was their conclusion. Then I started feeling better yesterday, the fever went away and they concluded it was a virus of some sort. So now I head home, hopefully not to leave until I fly to the States Sunday, after which I hope to see as many of you
gringos as possible!
Megan and her school's English teacher Jairo wading into the lake
Our bonfire
Paz, amor y nos vemos pronto!