Thursday, April 9, 2009

Semana Santa

Well folks, it's my favorite time of year in every Hispanic Catholic country. Semana Santa, or Holy Week.

Easter in the States was always a fun time, especially because half the time it fell on my birthday. There was the candy, the easter egg hunts, the complete absence of any religious obligation...

Not so this year. I am about to attend a two hour Mass today and might be talked into more religious events all morning and night tomorrow. Saturday, not Sunday, is Easter here, and they celebrate with a 5 hour church vigil lasting until midnight. This I am trying my damnedest to get out of, as it is my birthday, my boyfriend is coming that day and we are getting up at roughly 5 am the next day to go on a trip.

From what I can tell, the next few days will offer an endless supply of Masses and processions. I hope they're not like the ones in Spain, where everyone dressed up just like the KKK and marched slowly to mournful music. Creepy as hell.

Some of this I don't actually mind going to, as I have nothing else to do. No one is working this week and my Saturday class has been cancelled, so I am getting no work done either.

Pictures to come of the holy madness. Paz y amor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday Alia! I looked at your list . . . you are leaving musical taste up to the sender? Dangerous, very dangerous. How about Barry Manilow's Greatest Hits? Can you be that desperate?? I hope that you are enjoying your birthday in warm and lovely El Salvador - it is still cold and chilly here. Must catch up on your blog to find out your latest! Happy Birthday!

Love xoxoxox Aunt Mary