Tropical Storm whatever-it's-called-this-time (we had two in one week and I've stopped tracking names, since we've had like 15 since April) prevented us from hiking much, but we visited El Mozote, a neighborhood where 1,000 people were massacred during the war, and the civil war museum in town. We did climb a small (and slippery!) hill dotted with bomb holes, and the top afforded us a pretty good view of the surrounding hills and even parts of Honduras.
I can't believe I only have two weeks left. Sometimes I'm sad about it, but usually something happens to cheer me up about leaving before I get too down. For example, this morning my host family left a basket of fish in the shower. Thanks, fam, for lessening my close-of-service regrets.
Pictures from Perquín:
Paz y amor.
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