Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I am sick. Again. With a bladder infection, if you must know, another thing that never happened to me ever in the States. I will spare you all the details of having to ride a bus to the capital at night to get tested and treated. The story is not fun. And I had to rush out so suddenly that I left important things (cell phone!) at home.

I wonder when I will actually start getting anything done at my site, or if I will be the volunteer who spends her entire service dying in the capital. And I used to be so healthy!

Well, I'm returning to my site again, feeling better with antibiotics in tow. The last couple of times I came to the capital with some med problem, feeling better and going home gave me the happy feeling that all my troubles were over and I would spend the rest of my two years in healthy tranquility. Now I can't help but think something new will pop up next week. Bring on the black plague, I haven't had that yet either.

Um. Knock on wood. I never know anymore.


Jess said...

That sounds like a whole lot of unpleasant! Hope you feel better soon!

Erin said...

Ugh, I had one this summer and it just sucks. Hope you're feeling better soon!