Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The slacking continues

Yesterday I was supposed to go to school and reprogram all the projects (tangerine tree nursery, field trip to agricultural university) that I couldn't do because school was, and extracurricula activities are still, suspended due to the swine flu pandemic here. I also needed to plan for a fuel-efficient stove project meeting this Friday and get the mayor's office started on publicizing scholarships for high school and college students.

But I was invited on a trip to the beach. So I went.

Sometimes Peace Corps is awesome. That would never fly at an American job...

The beach was great, it was clean, almost empty and also had a pretty cool water park attached to it. We ate seafood for lunch at a good (but expensive) food place. It was fun to be like a tourist and made me look forward to vacationing in other parts of Central America (Guate and Nica in 2010!) But I also realized that part of the reason I like El Salvador so much is that I live here, and I'm not just on vacation. The beach was great, but I can dive into the waves and eat shrimp on a deck with bamboo and palm fronds anywhere in Latin America. What makes El Salvador unique is the experience of living in a "real" non-touristy Salvadoran community and integrating into their daily lives.

Beach pics when they are sent to me (the batteries in my camera died, boo.)

Paz y amor.

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