Thursday, May 28, 2009

Terremoto hondureno

I woke up at 2:48 am last night to pounding rain on my corrugated metal roof, which if you don't know sounds like lots of little explosions. At first I thought that was what had woken me, but then my bed shook and I felt the ground swaying back and forth...

Not the first tremor I've felt there, but then I found out it was actually this 7.1 earthquake, which toppled homes in Honduras and Belize and has killed at least 2 people so far.

I don't mean to be alarmist, but I do think about earthquakes a lot...the area I live in was completely destroyed by one in 2001, and I live in an "earthquake house" that was built by the European Union to replace one of the many that crumbled back then.

If I were Stephen Colbert I would put earthquakes on notice.

Paz y amor.


Alissa said...

Oof! Stay safe!

Erin said...

Be safe!

Earthquakes should displace bears as number one on the terror threatdown.